How to Use accord with in a Sentence
accord with
phrasal verb-
The accord with Sinema broke the deadlock, allowing for swift passage — and a win for the Biden White House.
—Robert Draper, New York Times, 1 May 2023
Her additions accord with the original on the level of both plot and language.
—Bethanne Patrick, Los Angeles Times, 20 Oct. 2023
The government reached a landmark peace accord with the FARC, the largest rebel group, in 2016 following an arduous five-year process.
—Genevieve Glatsky, New York Times, 3 Aug. 2023
Just this week, Germany signed an accord with Nigeria to repatriate thousands of Benin Bronzes in state holdings in 2022.
—Alex Greenberger For Artnews, Robb Report, 18 Oct. 2021
This woman struck accord with those who saw her on social media, and the tweet went more viral than usual for the FBI's account, catching the eyes of 7.3 million users.
—Jenny Goldsberry, Washington Examiner, 6 May 2023
Both sides’ fears do not have to accord with reality to fuel attacks.
—Robert A. Pape, Foreign Affairs, 23 Sep. 2024
The announcement came on a post from X, which stated the two parties had come to an accord with Unilever continuing its partnership.
—Brad Adgate, Forbes, 21 Oct. 2024
The group rejected the allegations stating that all transactions were done in according with the law.
—Gloria Haraito, Forbes, 29 Nov. 2023
This accords with the view of Rembrandt scholars that these regions were later overpainted by someone other than Rembrandt.
—IEEE Spectrum, 23 Aug. 2021
Many Albanians feel that the accord with Rome gives them a chance to show gratitude to Italy for accepting huge numbers of Albanian migrants over the last 30 years.
—Nick Squires, The Christian Science Monitor, 11 Dec. 2023
All agree that the wounds — small in front, massive in back — suggested a bullet shot from the front, which means a second shooter, and that the autopsy, performed back east, did not accord with their collective memory.
—Robert Lloyd, Los Angeles Times, 22 Nov. 2023
That plan is straining Israel’s most important alliances, including its 40-year peace accord with Egypt.
—Frances vinall, Washington Post, 16 Feb. 2024
That accords with the painting’s extensive restoration, which involved complete repainting of the background.
—IEEE Spectrum, 23 Aug. 2021
Egypt denies arms are filtering through the buffer zone, which is demilitarized under the terms of the 1979 peace accord with Israel, and warned that bringing in troops would violate that agreement.
—John Bacon, USA TODAY, 25 Jan. 2024
Another shooting victim went to the hospital on their own accord with non-life-threatening injuries.
—Talia Lissauer,, 4 Sep. 2023
Such norms, standards, and regulations must accord with a liberal-democratic vision of a free world, with a basis in civil liberties, human rights, and the rule of law.
—Mauritz Kop, Fortune, 16 May 2023
This means that if a natural phenomenon arises from the product of several independent sources, then only one of those sources must accord with Benford's law for the overall result to.
—Jack Murtagh, Scientific American, 8 May 2023
Washington should forge accords with other governments in specific areas of trade that align with clear U.S. interests.
—Peter E. Harrell, Foreign Affairs, 26 Feb. 2024
Peres was furious with Netanyahu’s determination to undermine the Oslo peace accords with the Palestinians.
—David Remnick, The New Yorker, 22 July 2023
Most depictions of how Israel sees the recent nuclear accord with Iran are consistently shallow.
—Brent E. Sasley, Foreign Affairs, 6 Dec. 2013
The talks culminated with the signing in Barbados of two separate accords with opposition leaders to hold presidential elections in the second half of this year.
—Antonio Maria Delgado, Miami Herald, 29 Jan. 2024
From the salty air—courtesy of musk, sea salt, and driftwood notes—to lying under the warm sun for hours—which is perfectly replicated by a solar floral accord with neroli, jasmine, and orange flower—this fragrance is sheer summer perfection.
—Tiffany Dodson, Harper's BAZAAR, 26 June 2023
Birth certificates record legal parentage, which does not always accord with genetic parentage.
—Emily Bazelon, New York Times, 3 Dec. 2023
Cicero, on the other hand, taught that a good man must be active in political life, a crucial lesson that accorded with Florentine democratic beliefs as well as with the need for political watchfulness.
—Claudia Roth Pierpont, The New Yorker, 19 Feb. 2024
The most conservative theory granted the Court authority to overrule legislation in order to make sure the law accorded with custom and tradition.
—Jill Lepore, The New Yorker, 22 Jan. 2024
An alderman of Philadelphia had been buried in the plainest of funerals – conducted in strict accord with requirements of the Continental Association.
—Barbara Clark Smith, The Conversation, 18 Sep. 2024
Organisms process this information and respond with emotions and actions that accord with their level of sophistication, Gawdat explained.
—Rachel Shin, Fortune, 1 June 2023
Binding themselves to the obligations of statehood and acceding to treaties that require responsible conduct is a nonviolent way of doing so—one that accords with international law and that should be applauded, not discouraged or penalized.
—Matthew Duss, Foreign Affairs, 27 Nov. 2023
Fox didn’t reveal details of the confidential accord with Majed Khalil, which avoided another potentially embarrassing trial.
—Jef Feeley, Fortune, 17 Apr. 2023
China’s focus on boosting its consulates accords with its ongoing focus on advancing its interests through economic diplomacy over traditional diplomacy.
—Bonnie Bley, Foreign Affairs, 27 Nov. 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'accord with.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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